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A customizable lighting experience


This lamp allows you to easily adjust the height and intensity of the light. It can be set to light up a whole room or, if lowered and dimmed, it can be used as a focal light.  

Captura de Pantalla 2023-05-23 a la(s) 12.20.20.png

This lamp allows you to easily adjust the height and intensity of the light. It can be set to light up a whole room or, if lowered and dimmed, it can be used as a focal light.

 Set the lamp high and use the dimmer to make it bright when you need more light 

Captura de Pantalla 2023-05-23 a la(s) 07.55.35.png

 Set the lamp low and lower the intensity when you just need a little light for things like reading 

You can adjust the hight easily and in just a few seconds!

1. Unroll the cable 

2. Adjust the height by pulling or releasing the cablee 

3. Roll the cable again and use the dimmer to adjust brightness if needed

4. Enjoy custom lighting!

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